Seagrasses of the World

Contributing to seagrass taxonomy worldwide


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
J. Adams, Bate, G., O'Callaghan, M.1999Primary producers - Estuarine microalgae, estuarine macrophytes
L. Aragones, Lawler, I., Marsh, H., Domning, D. P., Hodgson, A.2012The role of Sirenians in aquatic ecosystems
P. Ascherson, Graebner P.1907Das Pflanzenreich. Regni vegetabilis conspectus. IV. II. Potamogetonaceae
S. Benhissoune, Chaouti, A., Bayed, A.2005Distribution des macrophytes benthiques dans la lagune de Smir (nord-ouest du Maroc)
C. S. Bracamonte, A. Molina, M., García-Murillo, P., M. Argenta, C.2014Flora acuática Española. Hidrófitos vasculares
J. C. Costa, Lousã, M., Espírito-Santo, M. D.1996A vegetação do Parque Natural da Ria Formosa (Algarve, Portugal)
A. X. Pereira Coutinho1898Contribuições para o estudo das Monocotyledoneas Portuguezas
Z. Jiang, Liu, S., Zhang, J., Zhao, C., Wu, Y., Yu, S., Zhang, X., Huang, C., Huang, X., Kumar, M.2017Newly discovered seagrass beds and their potential for blue carbon in the coastal seas of Hainan Island, South China Sea
H. N. Moldenke1940Marine Flowering Plants
M. C. Sauvageau1891Sur les feuilles de quelques Monocotylédones aquatiques
L. H. T. Vergeer, denHartog C.1994Omnipresence of Labyrinthulaceae in seagrasses
J. T. A. Verhoeven1980The ecology of Ruppia-dominated communities in Western Europe. II. Synecological classification. Structure and dynamics of the macroflora and macrofauna communities
M. Vidal1988Contenido y dinámica del fósforo en el sedimento de praderas de fanerógamas marinas
D. I. Walker, McComb A. J.1992Seagrass Degradation in Australian Coastal Waters
T. - P. Yang1987A synopsis to the aquatic angiospermous plants of Taiwan
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith