Seagrasses of the World

Contributing to seagrass taxonomy worldwide


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
C. Aedo, FernándezCasado M. A.1988The taxonomic position of Ruppia populations along the Cantabrian coast
A. - K. K. A. Al-Bermadi, Al-Shammary, K. I. A., Bailey, J. P., Gornall, R. J.1993Contributions to a cytological catalogue of the British and Irish flora, 3
A. X. Pereira Coutinho1898Contribuições para o estudo das Monocotyledoneas Portuguezas
C. denHartog1971De Nederlandse Ruppia-soorten
J. O. Hagström1911Three species of Ruppia
Y. Ito, Ohi-Toma, T., Murata, J., Tanaka, N.2013Comprehensive phylogenetic analyses of the Ruppia maritima complex focusing on taxa from the Mediterranean
Y. Ito, Ohi-Toma, T., Murata, J., Tanaka, N.2010Hybridization and polyploidy of an aquatic plant, Ruppia (Ruppiaceae), inferred from plastid and nuclear DNA phylogenies
L. Kautsky1988Life strategies of aquatic soft bottom macrophytes
A. Löve, Löve D.1942Chromosome numbers of Scandinavian plant species
J. Martínez-Garrido, Creed, J. C., Martins, S., Almada, C. H., Serrão, E. A.2017First record of Ruppia maritima in West Africa supported by morphological description and phylogenetic classification
H. N. Moldenke1940Marine Flowering Plants
G. Reese1962Systematik und Cytologie der Ruppia maritima
F. Schur1860Zur Flora von Siebenbürgen
T. T. de Sousa1936Os Moliços: quantidade de moliços; seu valor. Licenças de apanha e transporte
T. T. de Sousa1936Os Moliços: flora dos moliços; localização de produção das várias espécies
L. Triest, Beirinckx, L., Sierens, T.2018Lagoons and saltwater wetlands getting more diversity: A molecular approach reveals cryptic lineages of a euryhaline submerged macrophyte (Ruppia)
J. T. A. Verhoeven1980The ecology of Ruppia-dominated communities in Western Europe. II. Synecological classification. Structure and dynamics of the macroflora and macrofauna communities
J. T. A. Verhoeven1980The ecology of Ruppia-dominated communities in Western Europe. III. Aspects of production, consumption and decomposition
J. T. A. Verhoeven1979The ecology of Ruppia-dominated communities in Western Europe. I. Distribution of Ruppia representatives in relation to their autecology
J. T. A. Verhoeven1975Ruppia-communities in the Camargue, France. Distribution and structure in relation to salinity and salinity fluctuations
J. T. A. Verhoeven, van Vierssen W.1978Distribution and Structure of Communities Dominated by Ruppia, Zostera and Potamogeton Species in the Inland Waters of ‘De Bol’, Texel, The Netherlands
W. van Vierssen, Van Wijck, R. J., van der Zee, J. R.1981Some additional notes on the cytotaxonomy of Ruppia taxa in Western Europe
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith