Seagrasses of the World

Contributing to seagrass taxonomy worldwide


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
D. M. de Maisonneuve1847Espèces nouvelles de l'Algérie; 2e suite
J. Martínez-Garrido, Bermejo, R., Serrão, E. A., Sánchez-Lizaso, J. L., González-Wangüemert, M.2017Regional Genetic Structure in the Aquatic Macrophyte Ruppia cirrhosa Suggests Dispersal by Waterbirds
J. Martínez-Garrido, Creed, J. C., Martins, S., Almada, C. H., Serrão, E. A.2017First record of Ruppia maritima in West Africa supported by morphological description and phylogenetic classification
J. Martínez-Garrido, Serrão, E. A., Engelen, A. H., Cox, C. J., García-Murillo, P., González-Wangüemert, M.2016Multilocus genetic analyses provide insight into speciation and hybridization in aquatic grasses, genus Ruppia
R. Mason1967The species of Ruppia in New Zealand
L. J. McKenzie, Toshida R. L.2017Seagrass-Watch: Proceedings of a workshop for monitoring and mapping seagrass habitats in Vanuatu, Port Villa, 7-9 August 2017
F. C. Mertens, Koch W. D. J.1823Deutschlands Flora. Nach, einem veränderten und erweiterten Plane bearbeitet
H. A. Meyer, Bell S. S.1989Mouthparts of the Marine Harpacticoid Copepod Metis holothuriae
S. Miki1935New Water Plants in Asia Orientalis I
H. N. Moldenke1940Marine Flowering Plants
P. García-Murillo2018Ruppia drepanensis (Scope: Mediterranean)
P. García-Murillo, Bazo, E., Fernández-Zamudio, R.2014Las plantas de la marisma del Parque Nacional de Doñana (España): elemento clave para la conservación de un humedal europeo paradigmático
A. Nelson1899New Plants from Wyoming. - VI
A. Novelo1991Ruppia didyma (Potamogetonaceae) en México y las Antillas
J. Näslund, A. Sandman, N., C. Blomstrand, E., Hernvall, P.2019Typiska arter för naturtypen sublittorala sandbankar
F. Ortega, Parra, G., Guerrero, F.200282. Ampliación al conocimiento de los macrófitos acuáticos de la provincia de Málaga
M. A. Ortu1982Indagine tassonomica ed ecologica in Ruppia drepanensis Tineo (Ruppiaceae)
M. A. Ortu1977Influenza della salinità e della luce sulla germinazione dei semi di Ruppia maritima L. β drepanensis (Tin.)
M. A. Ortu1969Primary data on the germination of seeds of "Ruppia maritima" L.
V. Petagna1787Institutiones Botanicae. Tomus II. De plantis in species
V. Petagna1787Institutiones Botanicae. Tomus V. De plantis in species
R. A. Philippi1895Plantas nuevas chilenas de las familias que corresponden al tomo V de la obra de Gay
J. R. Pirani2003 Ruppiaceae
C. D. Preston1995Pondweeds of Great Britain and Ireland
G. Reese1962Systematik und Cytologie der Ruppia maritima
S. Rivas-Martínez, Lousã, M., Costa, J. C., Duarte, M. C.2017Geobotanical survey of Cabo Verde Islands (West Africa)
H. A. Robertson, Funnell E. P.2012Aquatic plant dynamics of Waituna Lagoon, New Zealand: trade-offs in managing opening events of a Ramsar site
P. Acevedo-Rodríguez, Strong M. T.2005Monocots and Gymnosperms of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
D. J. Rogers, Patton D. C.2009Changes in the distribution and abundance of Ruppia tuberosa in the Coorong
P. A. Rydberg1900Catalogue of the Flora of Montana and the Yellowstone National Park
L. Santamaría, Dias, C., Hootsmans, M. J. M.1994The influence of ammonia on the growth and photosynthesis of Ruppia drepanensis Tineo from Doñana National Park (SW Spain)
L. Santamaría, Hootsmans M. J. M.1998The effect of temperature on the photosynthesis, growth and reproduction of a Mediterranean submerged macrophyte, Ruppia drepanensis
L. Santamaría, Hootsmans, M. J. M., van Vierssen, W.1995Flowering time as influenced by nitrate fertilisation in Ruppia drepanensis Tineo
L. Santamaría, Montes, C., Hootsmans, M. J. M.1996Influence of environmental parameters on the biomass development of Ruppia drepanensis populations in Doñana National Park: the importance of conditions affecting the underwater light climate
G. A. Sarre, Platell, M. A., Potter, I. C.2000Do the dietary compositions of Acanthopagrus butcheri in four estuaries and a coastal lake vary with body size and season and within and amongst these water bodies?
M. C. Sauvageau1891Sur les feuilles de quelques Monocotylédones aquatiques
K. M. Schumann1894Potamogetonaceae: Ruppia
F. Schur1860Zur Flora von Siebenbürgen
2006Site Condition Monitoring: surveys of lagoons in the Vadills Lagoon Special Area of Conservation, July–August 2003
S. H. Shabaka2018Checklist of seaweeds and seagrasses of Egypt (Mediterranean Sea): A review
S. Sharma, Goff, J., Moody, R. M., Byron, D., Heck, K. L., Powers, S. P., Ferraro, C., Cebrian, J.2016Do restored oyster reefs benefit seagrasses? An experimental study in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
T. T. de Sousa1936Os Moliços: quantidade de moliços; seu valor. Licenças de apanha e transporte
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D. Sutherland, Taumoepeau, A., Wells, R.2016Macrophyte monitoring in Waituna Lagoon - summer 2016
S. Talavera, García-Murillo P.2010Ruppia L.
S. Talavera, García-Murillo, P., Herrera, J.1993Chromosome numbers and a new model for karyotype evolution in Ruppia L. (Ruppiaceae)
K. F. Thedenius1887Ruppia intermedia, nova species
G. B. Thursby1984Nutritional requirements of the submerged angiosperm Ruppia maritima in algae-free culture
V. Tineo1842Ruppia drepanensis
H. Touliabah, Safik, H. M., Gab-Allah, M. M., Taylor, W. D.2002Phytoplankton and some abiotic features of El-Bardawil Lake, Sinai, Egypt


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith